Friday 21 August 2015

Must Read: 15 Signs That Show You Are Dating A Retired Pros.titute (Runs Girl)


Signs that Show You are Dating a Retired Pros.titute – There is still the danger of being conned by your beautiful girlfriend who could be a covert pros.titute or have a history of indulging in it. There are certain signs that must be kept in mind to identify such women , because such women aren’t really the type you’d be looking for, especially when it comes to seeking loyalty within a relationship. Her loyalties are basically reserved for the highest bidder; and if you fail to bid consistently, you’ll lose her in the end.

Even women who haven’t pros.tituted themselves can exhibit these traits below. Technically they may not be pros.titutes, but they still have a pros.titute’s mind set. Essentially, they pros.titute themselves to their boyfriends or lovers for a period of time, as long as these men can afford them. 

This has led to the coinage of the term ‘retired pros.titution’ to such relationships where men are essentially indirectly paying for se.x. So here are some signs you must observe

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