Wednesday 11 November 2015

Dear Friends/Readers; why do these hopeless females send nudes to married men?

From an angry female LIB reader.
"I went through my husband's phone in October and saw several naked photos of two different ladies. And one of them was asking him to compare her body to mine and spot the difference. Foolish girl, I have had 3 children, am I supposed to look like a Victoria Secret model? What is wrong with little girls of nowadays, what pleasure do you derive in sharing nude photos? Especially with a man who has a wife and children? 

Are you not ashamed? You don't have mothers at home who taught you to have some dignity? Of course I confronted my husband and he apologized and swore he wasn't sleeping with them but I don't believe him and to be honest I don't care. I am just ashamed of these generation of women who would not use their God-given talent to look for work, instead would be going around sleeping and sending nude photos to men. Hopeless girls!

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