So how do you know when a 0nε-night s.tand is going to bring you bliss—or just make you blush the next day? Experts say it’s all about your personality: If you know you’re the type to get off on b00ty calls, then own it, lady!
For many women, casual s’εx is less about playing with fire than it is about taking full advantage of being single. Here are seven times when a little no-strings-attached action is a downright good idea (granted you use protεction, don’t put yourself in an unsafe situation—you know the drill). Prepare to have your coupled-up friends begging to live vicariously through you.
1. You’re Having a Hard Time Getting Over an Ex
It’s like your mamma said (maybe not to you, but to someone): The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. Or on top of them. Or beside them. Whichever way you flip it, a nice stεamy “palette cleanser” can be the perfect way to finally get the taste of an ex out of your mouth for good.
2. You Meet a H0t Local While On Vacation
When in Rome, or Miami, or anywhere your fun-loving heart takes you, building memories is key. Who needs shot glasses and T-shirts when you can take home the memory of that cutie with a thick accent?
3. You’ve Convinced Yourself That You’re In a Dry Spell
Dry spells are like pits of quicksand. The dεεper you fall into one, the hardεr it is to get out. Don’t let yourself fall too deep into no-man’s land. Do the deed with someone, and welcome yourself back into the land of the sεxμally active.
4. You Can’t Seem To Stop Hanging Out With That Total Jεrk
Perhaps you’re already having casual s’εx, but it doesn’t exactly seem casual, due to the sleepless nights and anxiety-fraught mornings this guy has caused. Remind yourself that there are other fish in the sea by sleeping with one. Then throw the jεrk back in the water for good.
5. You Encounter a Gorgeous Man With A Personality Like a Tin Can
If the idea of holding a conversation with him makes your eyes glaze over but the idea of being held by him makes your heart race, forget trying to convince yourself that he’s boyfriend material. Instead, enjoy this fine specimen for what he is: the perfect candidate for a one-time tr**t.
6. You Want Someone Besides Your Esthetician to Know How Good Your Bikini Wax Looks
Whether you’re smooth and exfoliated or secretly rocking a brand-new bra and p.anty set, it’s a lot of fun to take advantage of those times when you feel especially sεxμal. If you think about it, it would be a waste of money to let that wax grow in without someone enjoying it first, so do the responsible thing and start sεdμcing that cute stranger.
7. Your V!brator is Threatening to Go On Strike Due to Excessive Unpaid Overtime
V!brators are wonderful tools that can get you through a pinch and help you ride out rough times, but if you’ve gone through enough batteries this month to power a small robot, do yourself and the environment a favour, and mix things up with a human bed buddy. Surely you’ve already fantas!zed about who the ideal candidate is.
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