Tuesday 30 June 2015

This is Amazing: It May Look Like She's About To Surf, But Wait 'Til You See Her Stand Up

If you've ever tried to surf before, you know just how difficult it can be. There are a ton of moving parts involved: you need to paddle out to an acceptable distance, turn around, ride with the wave, jump up on the board, keep your balance, and ride the wave to shore. That's quite a lot to ask of a person who isn't used to surfing, and is exactly why mastering the extreme sport is so impressive.

Fortunately, these two surfers have mastered the sport to the point where they can perform stunts. We're not just talking about riding crazy waves. Take a look at the video below and see surfing like you've never seen it before.

Surfing is impressive, as is doing gymnastics. Combining the two, however, just blew my mind, and I don't know just how any of this is possible.

Source Viralnova

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